
maanantai 7. joulukuuta 2015

Ratling Sniper!

There is no issued model for Ratling sniper in Necromunda. There are however rules to Ratling sniper and GW has some nice Ratling models for it. So I made my own version of Ratling.

Ratling Sniper can be hired to as a permanent member to a gang. He is not the toughest on but he is little better shot than others and can asses some very good skills. And he can use Needle rifle by starting point. Howe ever he is not going share it with rest of the gang.

My Ratling is going to use just plain auto gun and scope if I ever find one. It is a shame that the model doesn't have a pistol holster. But it  has a back pack and in my game he has some nasty pack up pistol in there. Well if he run out of ammo this small fellow will run instead of fighting.

Hair and the pelt bugle is done with greenstuff. The original gun is replaced with auto gun. 

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